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Education is Discipleship

Writer: LCE TeamLCE Team

Discipleship is more than education, but not less. And education is always discipleship. The greatest commandment includes loving God with all of your mind (Matthew 22:37). God is the God of all truth (Hebrews 6:18). Also, He has created all that there is (John 1:3). Everything that exists finds its origin, purpose, design, and meaning in God (Acts 17:28).

And so, taking all this together, we can see a principle forming: everything I learn and believe will either line up with God’s knowledge or (to varying degrees) will not line up with God’s knowledge. There are no neutral facts. They either agree with God (and are therefore true statements) or they do not agree with God (and are therefore lies).

Now let’s go back to the concept of what we call education. Education is the process of teaching children what is true, or at least, how to discover what is true. This means that every fact learned, every method of inquiry taught, and every moral value inculcated, will either line up with God’s standards of truth or they won’t. And that is why education is discipleship: every single thing we learn either helps us to more accurately think God’s thoughts after Him or to believe things that God doesn’t.

This is why education is the responsibility of parents: because it is always discipleship. There is no sense in which a child’s learning can be disconnected from their discipleship journey to become more like Christ.


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